Blog Post Article

Blog Post Article

Update Blog Article Post

This feature is used to create your blog article, you can create a new one by pressing the + button, or update it by selecting one of your blog post articles.

Update Header and SEO

Blog Posts

Enter a title and description, as well as a cover image for your article, the contents of the breadcumb, and enter the publication date.

Write Content Article

Blog Posts

Scroll down and in the text area you can write your article.

Blog Author

Blog Posts

If you want, you can add the author profile in this menu, go to the author menu and fill in your author details.

HashTag and Widget

Blog Posts

You can also add tags here if needed. And you can also show or hide some widgets by pressing the available widget buttons.

Tags: docs blog post

Update At 15 August 2024 , by JAMSTACK THEMES

Blog Post Article

Blog Post Article

Update Blog Article Post

This feature is used to create your blog article, you can create a new one by pressing the + button, or update it by selecting one of your blog post articles.

Update Header and SEO

Blog Posts

Enter a title and description, as well as a cover image for your article, the contents of the breadcumb, and enter the publication date.

Write Content Article

Blog Posts

Scroll down and in the text area you can write your article.

Blog Author

Blog Posts

If you want, you can add the author profile in this menu, go to the author menu and fill in your author details.

HashTag and Widget

Blog Posts

You can also add tags here if needed. And you can also show or hide some widgets by pressing the available widget buttons.

Tags: docs blog post

Update At 15 August 2024 , by JAMSTACK THEMES