Company Website Features

Company Website Features

The best features for your company webiste project.

This project has quite interesting and complete features to help develop a company profile site

Company Website Features

  • Built using 11ty aka eleventy JAMSTACK Static Site Generator which is very stable and fast.

  • Already equipped with a modern Headless CMS that makes it easy for you to update via local or cloud.

  • Already injected auto SEO script, which will automatically follow the title and description to generate metatags, twitter cards, and open graph

  • Many design options.

  • Static pages for contact, about, privacy policy and others.

  • Dynamic pages for product and service areas and blogs.

  • Tag List page.

  • Tag Detail page.

  • Product and service list page to display all the products and services you provide.

  • Detailed product and service pages with 5 themes, which you can choose according to your needs.

  • Blog List page to display a list of blogs.

  • Post article page to display detailed information about your blog posts.

  • Mobile and desktop image loader.

  • Programmatic Project, you don't need to hardcode for design and content changes, everything is ready in the content management system.

  • Project usage documentation.

  • Help and Support if you need our help.

  • Equipped with a Contact Form that is directly forwarded to your email.

  • Widget areas that can be easily customized, to be displayed or hidden in each area.

  • And much more.

Start using captaline themes now, to help develop your company profile site project.

Download Now →

Tags: features company website company themes company template

Update At 17 August 2024


Company Website Features

Company Website Features

The best features for your company webiste project.

This project has quite interesting and complete features to help develop a company profile site

Company Website Features

  • Built using 11ty aka eleventy JAMSTACK Static Site Generator which is very stable and fast.

  • Already equipped with a modern Headless CMS that makes it easy for you to update via local or cloud.

  • Already injected auto SEO script, which will automatically follow the title and description to generate metatags, twitter cards, and open graph

  • Many design options.

  • Static pages for contact, about, privacy policy and others.

  • Dynamic pages for product and service areas and blogs.

  • Tag List page.

  • Tag Detail page.

  • Product and service list page to display all the products and services you provide.

  • Detailed product and service pages with 5 themes, which you can choose according to your needs.

  • Blog List page to display a list of blogs.

  • Post article page to display detailed information about your blog posts.

  • Mobile and desktop image loader.

  • Programmatic Project, you don't need to hardcode for design and content changes, everything is ready in the content management system.

  • Project usage documentation.

  • Help and Support if you need our help.

  • Equipped with a Contact Form that is directly forwarded to your email.

  • Widget areas that can be easily customized, to be displayed or hidden in each area.

  • And much more.

Start using captaline themes now, to help develop your company profile site project.

Download Now →

Tags: features company website company themes company template

Update At 17 August 2024
